HP P2055DN
In magazzino
The HP P2055DN printer is ideal for professionals thanks to its fast operation. It is a reliable printer designed to last over time.
Per il tuo HP P2055DN, Codeo offre i suoi servizi di:

Riacquisto dell'attrezzatura

Vendita di ricondizionato


Peso :
10,7 kg
Sistema :
Microsoft® Windows 2000
Memoria RAM :
128 MB
Dimensioni :
14.4 by 14.5 by 10.6 in
Processore :
Speed : 600MHz
Impressione :
Up to 1200 by 1200 dpi; HP ProRes 1200; Resolution Enhancement technology (REt)
Velocità di stampa :
Up to 35 ppm
Connettività :
One Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, built-in HP Jetdirect Gigabit Ethernet networking
Sicurezza elettrica :
Firewall, Access Control List, Password protected EWS, SNMP v3, SSL/TLS (HTTPS), Certificate support, 802.1x authentication (EAP-TLS, PEAP, LEAP, EAP-FAST)
Colore :
Black / white