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Best practices for reusing IT equipment

What is the reuse of computer equipment? If the notion of reuse seems quite intuitive, it actually corresponds to a legal definition. The regulations differentiate, for example, between “reuse” and “reuse”. Nuances that must be kept in mind when thinking about the second life of your computer equipment

Definition, advantages and best practices, we tell you everything about IT reuse.

Reuse of computer equipment, what are we talking about?

Computer reuse refers to any operation by which computer equipment is used again. Reuse implies that the material is reused in the same context for which it was designed. It is also necessary that the equipment concerned is not “waste”, that is to say that it is really usable.

The very concept of reuse finds its definition in article L541-1-1 of the Environmental Code. This article of law also differentiates the reuse of:

  • preparing for reuse”. In this case, the computer equipment is in the state of waste. The preparation operation consists of checking, cleaning or repairing it for a new use.
  • reuse”, which designates the fact, for computer waste, of being used again.
    Reuse therefore concerns computer equipment that is not in the state of waste. The owner of this equipment gives it or sells it to a company that is responsible for refurbishing it.

Among the actors capable of ensuring the reuse of computer equipment, there are recycling centers and associations, registered in a logic of social and solidarity economy. There are also consignment stores and reconditioners.

What are the benefits of computer reuse?

Reusing computer equipment extends its lifespan. The actors who participate in the reuse give a second life to material that is still usable. They thus contribute to waste reduction and the circular economy.

At Codeo, for example, we package 200,000 IT products per year, on average. We also allow the reuse of 350 tons of material. In this way, we also avoid a high CO2 equivalent emission per year.

Registering a company in a logic of reuse of computer equipment also contributes to improving its CSR performance, Corporate Social Responsibility. Betting on the reuse of computer equipment makes it possible to take advantage of attractive trade-in prices. The company thus optimizes the costs linked to the maintenance of the computer equipment, while contributing to the production of less CO2.

The purchase of computer equipment from channels dedicated to reuse also helps to reduce the carbon impact of your activities. Packaged products actually have a 68% lower carbon footprint than new products.

Codeo also promotes your company’s commitment to the conservation of natural resources by providing you with a “Carbon Statement”. This is a report, which can be used in the context of your external communication. This document measures the total CO2 emissions that your company has avoided thanks to the reuse of your IT equipment.

More generally, reuse allows you to meet your obligations in terms of processing computer products.

What steps should be followed for effective reuse?

Because reuse is different from recycling computer equipment and reusing it, a few steps should be followed.

Recognize computer equipment eligible for reuse

The first good practice to follow for a well-thought-out reuse consists in identifying the IT equipment eligible for the process. It can be all the hardware in your IT infrastructure that you no longer use, but which still works. Often, this equipment simply no longer corresponds to your working methods:

  • desktop or laptop computers;
  • landline telephones and smartphones;
  • screens;
  • printers and photocopiers;
  • computer peripherals such as mice, scanners, USB keys, hard drives, headsets, webcams;
  • network equipment such as server, tower, rack;
  • power supply cables, but also USB or HDMI cables;
  • barcode equipment such as inventory terminals and scanner;
  • payment tools such as bank terminals, check readers or pin pads;
    collection equipment.

Please note that all of this computer equipment must still be usable. If your material is more in the state of waste, reuse does not apply. In this case, it is necessary to turn to WEEE recycling solutionsWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. This sector concerns equipment that cannot benefit from a second life. VS

These are subject to sorting and specific treatment.

If you hesitate to classify your computer equipment in the WEEE or reuse boxes, you should contact a professional in the management of computer equipment. The latter then takes care of organizing the collection of your equipment, and of planning the various avenues for a possible second life.

Choose the right service provider for the reuse of my computer equipment

There are specialized companies responsible for computer reuse. They check the equipment, clean it and repair it. Steps with serious consequences, for which it is necessary to make sure to choose the right professional.

What are the challenges of choosing your IT reuse provider?

Data security, for starters. One of the stages of computer reuse consists of erasing all the data recorded by your equipment. It is therefore a question of ensuring that it is carried out by a trusted interlocutor. Objective: to remain in compliance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To be sure, check your service provider’s links with the Interprofessional Syndicate for the Reconditioning and Regeneration of Computer, Electronic and Telecom Equipment. If your reuse logic is based on a strong CSR policy, you can also contact the MixR network, a network made up of companies committed to responsible behavior.

Codeo supports companies that wish to bet on reuse for their CSR projects. For example, we have guided La Poste on the reuse of its equipment and the compensation of residual emissions. We also advised Orange on its project to raise employee awareness of the reuse of smartphones.

Do you want to give a second life to your obsolete or unused computer equipment? Our experts are at your disposal to assist you!