
IT equipment takeover

Have you renewed your fleet and don’t know what to do with your old IT equipment?
Many professionals have a stock of barcode terminals, point-of-sale equipment or office equipment (PCs, printers, copiers, etc.) waiting to be destroyed. Storage costs, loss of value, carbon footprint – these are all direct impacts of dormant stock for a company.
One solution: resell your used IT equipment!
  • Part-finance your new IT equipment
  • Reduce your storage, transport and recycling costs
  • Improve your carbon footprint by giving your unused equipment a second chance
If you have a project, contact our experts
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Codeo adds value to all your IT equipment!

Trust Codeo to take back your professional IT equipment and accessories, from point-of-sale terminals to payment terminals, laser printers and barcode scanners, PCs, and servers.
As a specialist in second hand, we recondition the IT equipment we take back and put it back on the market, tested, cleaned and fully operational.
Simplify the disposal of your equipment with Codeo today:
Ask for a quote

All ranges

For 20 years, Codeo has developed its expertise around the largest ranges of professional IT equipment: point-of-sale terminals, payment terminals, inventory terminals and office equipment (PCs and laptops, servers, screens, printers, etc.). Codeo's strength lies in its ability to offer you a complete takeover of your IT equipment, without any intermediaries – we are your sole point of contact!

All generations

Whether they are of old or new generations, Codeo is in a position to add value to all your PCs, barcode terminals, printers or VSEs, whatever their age. By taking them back, we can extend their useful life through fleet maintenance, give them a second life through reconditioning or recycle parts that can no longer be used, in compliance with current WEEE destruction standards.

All operating conditions

Our evaluation of the price of buying back IT equipment is carried out on point-of-sale terminals, desktop or laptop computers, payment terminals and barcode scanners, whether in working order or defective. Depending on its condition, the PC, cash register equipment or bank terminal will either be refurbished to give it a second life, or dismantled for spare parts and recycling in compliance with current WEEE standards.
Our process

A secure and transparent trade-in

Reselling your professional IT equipment has never been easier! Codeo takes you through several stages in the trade-in of your POS equipment, barcodes, POS terminals, PCs, printers, etc.

économie circulaire entreprise codeo

Our circular economy HUB

In France, Codeo brings together its entire supply chain at the Circular Economy Hub near Lyon. This site, the only one of its kind in Europe, brings together under one roof all the operations involved in recovering second-hand professional equipment to give it the best possible second life:
  • Collection and reception of second-hand professional equipment
  • Sorting
  • Storage
  • On-site repair and reconditioning
  • Data erasure
  • Recycling
effacement données blancco

Blancco certified

As a specialist in the take-back and recovery of professional IT equipment, Codeo pays particular attention to the security and traceability of your data and thus to your obligations in terms of the RGPD. Codeo is Blancco certified to ensure that the data stored on your equipment is erased.
When you take back your inventory terminals, point-of-sale terminals and/or payment terminals, Codeo will provide you with a data erasure certificate by serial number to ensure that the reused equipment has been completely cleaned of data.

Your CSR challenges

Would you like to commit your company to more sustainable management of its IT equipment?
Codeo can provide you with practical solutions to meet your sustainable development challenges by taking back your equipment at the end of its useful life. Reuse means avoiding the production of new equipment and therefore reducing your digital carbon footprint.
At the end of your take-back project, Codeo will provide you with an impact assessment and an environmental certificate attesting to the savings made through reuse: carbon, water, raw materials, WEEE, etc.
Know more
Hardware Experts

Specialist in all the major professional IT ranges

Codeo can help you manage your professional IT equipment, regardless of the product range!

Inventory terminals, point of sale terminals, payment or printing terminals, Symbol Motorola, Psion Teklogix, Casio, Intermec, PSC, Opticon, Zebra, Cipherlab, Epson, IBM, Ingenico, Sagem, Moneyline, Axalto, Thales, Verifone, HP, Lexmark, Ricoh, Canon and many others!

Barcode terminals

Point of sale terminals

Electronic payment terminals

Desktop and laptop computers

Printers and copiers

Barcode terminals

Codeo is specialised in the refurbishment of barcode terminals and printers. We offer a wide range of market leading products, including barcode scanners, barcode printers and desktop printers. We also offer technical support and a range of services to help you get the most out of your barcode equipment.

We buy back old hardware from companies who want to upgrade their existing barcode terminals or printers.

By reselling your barcode scanners, you are taking part in a more environmentally friendly CSR approach. Whether it’s a matter of refurbishment or recycling, taking back your equipment helps to preserve resources as much as possible.

Reconditioning your equipment gives it a second life and extends its useful life. We take it back and put it back on the market tested, cleaned and fully operational.

We evaluate the trade-in price according to the condition of your POS terminal, payment terminal or barcode scanner. The equipment will then be refurbished by our expert technicians to give it a second life.

Many brands offer robust models that will last for years: Datalogic, Honeywell, Zebra… A wide range of models exists, from simple and practical barcode readers to portable barcode terminals with more advanced features (Wifi, 4G, keyboard, Bluetooth…).

View our barcode catalogue

Point of sale terminals

Retailers, Codeo buys back your point-of-sale (POS) terminals! Do you have POS terminals that are no longer in use or no longer meet your needs? We take them back and, depending on their condition, we recondition them to put them back on the market or we ensure that their end of life is 100% controlled: dismantling for parts or recycling.

With a large network across Europe, Codeo offers a second life to your POS terminals in another company, for a better price than new.

Thanks to data erasure via the Blancco software, we can guarantee our retail customers the security of their data: the terminals are resold after a definitive erasure of the data.

Do you want a more modern point of sale? Opt for a touch point of sale terminal! Finance your new purchases by taking back your old models and consult our catalogue of screens and displays from the P1000 and P2000 ranges from Colormetrics, and the Sango, Jazz, Nino or Yuno ranges from AURES…

Robust, efficient and intuitive, they are easy to use for your staff. They and their customers will appreciate them more because the purchasing process will be faster.

View our POS catalogue

Electronic payment terminals

Codeo buys back your electronic payment terminals! We offer you a fast, firm and definitive takeover of your old payment terminals. We buy back terminals from various major brands in the sector, such as Verifone, Hypercom, Ingenico, PAX, etc.

Complete your POS installation with a pinpad, which allows you to keep the electronic payment terminal close by, to optimise your point of sale with a mobile pinpad, to limit the risk of theft, and above all to reassure the customer who keeps control of his bank card throughout the transaction. You will therefore have your electronic payment terminal on your side, and a bank card terminal keyboard on the customer’s side.

Consult our VSE catalogue

Desktop and laptop computers

Codeo is your ideal partner for the trade-in of your desktop and laptop computers! We buy back used computers and then refurbish them to give them a second life. We take back many well-known brands such as Dell, HP and Apple. To ensure that they last longer, we also offer guarantees, repair services and technical support!

Whether you have old or recent references, Codeo is able to take back your equipment for controlled end-of-life management: it will be refurbished or dismantled to feed our maintenance operations.

We take back fixed or portable PCs, from a few units to several hundred: this way, you can gradually renew your fleet with the same references to facilitate maintenance and use by your employees.

See our Computer catalogue

Printers and copiers

Codeo specialises in buying back used printers and copiers. We buy used office equipment from companies that no longer need it. Our objective: to offer our clients a quick trade-in service and to allow them to free up a budget for their next investments!

A lot of equipment is stored for a long time “just in case”: however, it is now that it has value! By taking back your office printers or copiers, you offer another company the opportunity to access quality second-hand equipment at a lower cost.

Codeo offers the sale of printers of recognised brands: HP Laserjet, Xerox, Kyocera FS, Brother MFC…

Our teams buy and refurbish all kinds of office printers. Do you have equipment you no longer use? Contact us and receive a quote within 48 hours!

See our Printers catalogue