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How is the refurbishment revolutionising IT asset management in the logistics transport sector

The new consumer habits advocating ultra-fast, same-day delivery and, above all, proximity, are transforming the transport and logistics sector. The various players from order preparation to delivery must now meet increasingly stringent requirements: an ever faster and more qualitative service.

Between the perpetuation of existing equipment and technological change, transport and logistics professionals are not always aware of the solutions available to them to support their growth while stabilising their investments, all in a climate that tends to favour reuse and rational consumption – rather than buying everything new. What if refurbished was the solution?

Reconditioned and second-hand: false friends

What refurbished and second-hand products have in common is that they have had a first life. However, second-hand equipment is sold as is, whereas refurbished equipment is subjected to tests and/or repairs before being put back on the market. In addition to offering the same performance as a new device, reconditioned equipment also has the merit of having a warranty of up to 3 years.

Reconditioning: what are the advantages for T&L professionals?

Opting for reconditioned equipment offers many economic, operational and ecological advantages:

  • Controlling your budget: reconditioned equipment is often sold at a price 30 to 40% lower than new. In a sector where terminals are hardened and therefore cost more, it is necessary to think about investments that pay for themselves in the long term;
  • Homogeneity of your fleet: is your current fleet discontinuous? Complete it with refurbished equipment and thus avoid the problems of OS and software accounting, training of your employees, multiplicity of accessories, etc;
  • Control of your IT projects: refurbishment allows you to remain in control of your renewals independently of the roadmap dictated by the manufacturers
  • Carbon impact: Transport & Logistics is changing and is increasingly integrating the notion of sustainability and ecology into its development levers. To support this green growth, refurbishment allows you to integrate the circular economy into your fleet management.

Beyond refurbishment, what are the other levers for more responsible IT management?

Going digital responsibly can be done in different ways, depending on the needs and specificities of each business.

Don’t buy new: go for refurbished. Because technology cycles are accelerating, terminals are rapidly becoming obsolete and maintaining a fleet is becoming increasingly complicated. By buying refurbished equipment, you can be sure to find devices that have been discontinued by the manufacturer and thus postpone the premature renewal of your equipment.

Don’t buy again: get it repaired. On average, 70% of the CO2 emissions of a terminal are linked to its manufacture. By having your defective equipment repaired, you avoid the manufacture of new equipment and consequently the emission of kilos of CO2! Through maintenance, the life of IT equipment can be extended by 5 to 10 years.

Don’t invest: rent. Because many devices are only used occasionally, renting is an economical and ecological alternative to buying.

Don’t throw away: sell or recycle. There are a growing number of recycling companies that recover spare parts, metals and other components that can be reused to manufacture or repair other appliances. Reselling also allows you to finance part of your new investments and to give a second life to your appliances.

Many players support transport and logistics professionals in managing their IT equipment. Among them is Codeo, a European expert in refurbished IT equipment for 17 years. We offer a variety of services (sales, maintenance, rental, leasing, buy-back) based on several product ranges (barcode terminals, barcode printers, cash terminals, payment terminals, computers, etc.). In particular, we have assisted many large accounts such as the French Post Office in the management of their terminals on a national scale. Whether you are a small business, a medium-sized company or a large corporation, there are solutions for managing your equipment in a more sustainable and responsible manner!

For transport and logistics professionals, Codeo can help you with your various terminal renewal, deployment or takeover projects: our experts offer you tailor-made solutions adapted to your constraints!